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As an advocate/ally of diversifying the tech workforce, join me in reading and diving into @NPower’s #CommandShift Coalition new release, The Diversity Directive: A breakthrough new resource providing actionable strategies and practical solutions for companies to recruit, retain, and advance women of color in their workforces.
Join the community of practice to advance equity:

General Version 2
Just released! The Diversity Directive, a new breakthrough resource from @NPower’s #CommandShift Coalition outlines effective strategies companies can use to take action immediately and
move the needle in advancing women of color in their workforces.
Read and explore now:

Command Shift Coalition
As a member of @NPower’s #CommandShift Coalition, I am proud to be a part of the ongoing, focused, and intentional work to advance women of color in tech. I invite you to read and explore The Diversity Directive: A breakthrough resource with clear and concise strategies and case examples to meet your company at whatever part of their DEIB journey they are. A must read with innovative best practices to drive immediate action.
Get exclusive access now!

We are committed to diversifying the tech workforce and join @NPower’s #CommandShift Coalition in leading the shift to prioritize women of color, advance diversity in tech, increase innovation and share best practices advancing equity.
Join the community of practice:

Email Signature Graphic
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General | Version 1
As an advocate/ally of diversifying the tech workforce, join me in reading and diving into @NPower’s #CommandShift Coalition new release, The Diversity Directive: A breakthrough new resource providing actionable strategies and practical solutions for companies to recruit, retain, and advance women of color in their workforces.
Join the community of practice to advance equity:
General | Version 2
Just released! The Diversity Directive, a new breakthrough resource from @NPower’s #CommandShift Coalition outlines effective strategies companies can use to take action immediately and move the needle in advancing women of color in their workforces.
Read and explore now:
We are committed to diversifying the tech workforce and join @NPower’s #CommandShift Coalition in leading the shift to prioritize women of color, advance diversity in tech, increase innovation and share best practices advancing equity.
Join the community of practice:
Command Shift Coalition Members
As a member of @NPower’s #CommandShift Coalition, I am proud to be a part of the ongoing, focused, and intentional work to advance women of color in tech. I invite you to read and explore The Diversity Directive: A breakthrough resource with clear and concise strategies and case examples to meet your company at whatever part of their DEIB journey they are. A must read with innovative best practices to drive immediate action.
Get exclusive access now!

Email Signature Graphic
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Diversity and inclusion in the tech sector has progressed minimally over the last decade, proving there is much more work to be done to truly achieve equality for women of color in this sector. When women of color are given opportunities in tech and their growth is prioritized, everyone wins, including the bottom line.